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Sports Science & Statistics – Workshop.

UPMC Sports Surgery Clinic is delighted to welcome Professor Will Hopkins to Dublin in May, for a weekend course sharing his experiences within the world of Sports Science.


With 20875 citations Professor Hopkins is one of the world’s leading authorities in the area of sports science and statistics. He has devoted his career to sharing research and conference reports on his website ( and is renowned for rejecting statistical significance in favour of a more clinically relevant method of inference.


Professor Hopkins arrived to the field of Sports Science via mathematics and physics (BSc), Russian (BA), cell biology (MSc), neurophysiology (PhD), and school teaching. He currently holds appointments with Victoria University in Melbourne and the Defence Institute in Oslo.


Professor Will Hopkins will give a 1.5 day workshop in SSC sharing his experiences within the world of sports science and the necessary evil of statistics.


This course will provide practical and scientific information on how to design a study and about an appropriate analysis of data. Further, we aim to provide a different viewpoint of analysis conducted in current literature and will introduce/share resources for the analysis of data.


Click on image below for Flyer in PDF



Please register for this event online  – for further information please email or call +353 1 5262305


UPMC Sports Surgery Clinic is delighted to welcome Professor Will Hopkins to Dublin in May, for a weekend course sharing his experiences within the world of Sports Science.   This workshop will be hosted in SSC over a period of 1.5 days.
Date: 6th May 2017
Location: UPMC Sports Surgery Clinic
Cost: 75