SSC’s Sports & Exercise Medicine Department is hosting an online educational evening for medical professionals, focusing on the management of the most challenging running-related injuries.
6.30 pm
Tuesday, 22nd of June.
The following UPMC Sports Surgery Clinic Consultants will be presenting at this online event.
- Dr Andy Franklyn-Miller, Consultant Sports & Exercise Medicine Physician & Director of SSC Sports Medicine
- ‘Underperformance in Runners – Why does it happen and what to do about it.’
- Colin Griffin, Run Lab Lead, SSC Sports Medicine
- ‘Diagnosis and Management of Achilles Tendinopathy in Runners’
- Enda King, Head of Rehabilitation, SSC Sports Medicine
- ‘Biomechanical Approach to Proximal Hamstring Injury Rehabilitation In Runners’
CPD Recognised
Registration for this event is straight forward – please book your place using the booking button located on the top and bottom of this page.
SSC will email you a link to the conference closer to the date.
For further information on this event please contact Rebecca Lenagh, GP Liaison on |