Mihai Vioreanu
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Contact Details
Mr. Mihai Vioreanu is an Irish trained Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon with expertise in knee and hip surgery obtained in Canada and Australia.
After graduating with honors from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy ‘Victor Babes’ Timisoara, Romania Mihai moved to Dublin where he completed his Specialty Training in Orthopaedic Surgery in RCSI.
He pursued further sub-specialized training in Primary and Revision Hip and Knee Replacement at the world-renowned Arthroplasty Centre in Vancouver, Canada. He then travelled to Sydney, Australia during 2013 and 2014 to perform sports knee surgery (i.e. ACL reconstruction, tibial osteotomies, patello-femoral reconstruction) under the supervision and guidance of Dr. Justin Roe and Prof. Leo Pinczewski. During this time he was awarded the ESSKA–APKASS Travelling Fellowship facilitating him to visit some of the best centers in Sports Surgery in Asia-Pacific (China, Hong-Kong, New-Zealand, Australia and Japan).
Along with developing his orthopaedic surgical career Mihai also played international rugby and represented Romania at two Rugby World Cups, 1999 in Ireland and 2003 in Australia.
Mr. Vioreanu is highly involved in clinical research. He attended over 40 international courses and meetings and has published a number of high quality clinical studies, book chapters and surgical techniques. A keen teacher, he was the first Orthopaedic Lecturer in RCSI where he designed and delivered a musculoskeletal program for medical students.

Mr. Vioreanu recently joined UPMC Sports Surgery Clinic, bringing the latest innovations and experience in knee and hip surgery from North America and Australia.

Logo Mihai Vioreanu

Click on icon to visit Mr Vioreanu’s website for further information.

  • Sports Knee Fellowship, North Sydney Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Centre, Sydney, Australia. (2014)
  • Adult Reconstructive Fellowship, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. (2013)
  • Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons, FRCSI(Tr&Orth) – Higher Surgical Training, RCSI, Ireland. (2012)
  • Professional Certificate in Healthcare Management Practice – Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School, UCD, Ireland. (2012)
  • Master in Surgery, MCh – University College Dublin, Ireland. (2008)
  • Postgraduate Diploma, Applied Biomechanics – Strathclyde University, Glasgow, UK. (2007)
  • Member of Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, MRCSI – Basic Surgical Training, RCSI, Ireland. (2005)
  • Medical Doctor (Hons), MD – University of Medicine and Pharmacy ‘Victor Babes’ Timisoara, Romania. (1999)
  • Best Poster Award, APKASS Congress, Nara, Japan 2014
  • ESSKA / APKASS Asia-Pacific Travelling Felowship 2014
  • OMEGA Fellowship Grant – Vancouver, Canada 2012 – 2013
  • Irish Institute of Orthopaedic Surgery Educational Grant 2012
  • Irish Orthopaedic Association Educational Grant 2012
  • Irish Institute of Orthopaedic Surgery Educational Grant 2012
  • DePuy Travelling Fellowship, Bordeaux, France 2010
  • RCSI Ethicon Foundation Travel Grant, Bologna, Italy 2009
  • 2014 – Visiting Fellow, Brisbane Orthopaedics Sports Medicine Centre (Dr. Peter Myers)
  • 2014 ESSKA-APKASS Travelling Fellowship
Hong-Kong (Prof. KM Chan)
Auckland (Dr. Mark Clatworthy & Dr. Matt Brick)
Melbourne (Dr. Tim Whitehead, Prof. Julian Feller & Prof. John Bartlett)
Sydney (Dr. David Parker & Dr. Justin Roe)
  • 2013-2014 Clinical Fellow, Sports & Arthroplasty Knee Surgery, NSOSMC & AOA, Sydney, Australia (Dr. Justin Roe & Prof. Leo Pinczewski)
  • 2012-2013 Clinical Felllow in Adult Reconstruction, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. (Prof. Clive Duncan, Prof. Bas Masri, Dr. Nelson Greidanus & Prof. Don Garbuz)
  • 2006-2012 Specialist Registrar in Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery, RCSI, Dublin
  • 2009 Ethicon RCSI Travelling Fellowship to Rizolli Orthopaedic Institute, Bologna, Italy. (Prof. Maurillio Marcacci & Prof. Stefano Zaffagnini)
  • 2005-2006 Lecturer in Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery, RCSI, Dublin.
  • 2002-2005 Senior House Officer, Basic Surgerical Training, Mater Misericordae & St Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin.


An Acetabular Liner with Focal Constraint for Prevention of Dislocation After THA: Evaluation of 82 Consecutive Cases JT Munro, MH Vioreanu, CP Duncan, BA Masri. Clin Orthop Relat Res.2013 Feb 2.
A posterior intra-focal wire assists reduction of the oblique, extension supracondylar fracture of the humerus in children. M. Vioreanu, J.F. Baker, R. Gul J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2013 Apr;21(1):110-2.
Design, implementation and prospective evaluation of a new interactive musculoskeletal module for medical students. M. Vioreanu, B. J. O’Daly, M. J. Shelly, B. D. Devitt, J.M. O’Byrne. Ir J Med Sci. 2012 Oct 6.
Clostridium perfringens infection complicating periprosthetic fracture fixation about the hip: successful treatment with early aggressive debridement. Baker JF, Vioreanu MH, Harty JA. Hip Int. 2012 Feb 16:0.doi:10.5301/HIP.2012.9046.
Smith Petersen Vitallium mould arthroplasty – a 62 year follow-up. J. Baker, M. Vioreanu, H. Khan J Bone Joint Surg Br.2011 Sep;93(9):1285-6. PMID: 2191154
Olecranon fractures in the elderly. Is tension band wiring the right treatment? S. Umer, M. Vioreanu, P Fleming. Injury Extra 01/2011; 42(9):122-123. DOI:10.1016/j.injury.2011.06.278
Double-talus sign? J. F. Baker, M. H. Vioreanu, H. A. Khan Injury Extra, Volume 42, Issue 12, December 2011, Pages 201-202.
Cobalt ions induce chemokine secretion in a variety of systemic cell lines. Devitt BM, Queally, M, Vioreanu M, Butler JS, Murray D, Doran PP, O’Byrne JM. Acta Orthop. 2010 Dec;81(6):756-64.
Intra-operative imaging technique to aid safe placement of screws in percuteanous fixation of pelvic and acetabular fractures. M. Vioreanu, K. J. Mulhall Acta Orthopaedica Belgica, No 3, Vol. 77/3, June 2011
“Between the Jigs and the Reels” Bilateral Metatarsal Phalangeal stress fractures in a young Irish dancer. E. O’Halloran, M. Vioreanu, B. Padinjarathala Clin J Sport Med. 2011 May 10.
Book Chapter “ Upper Limb Injuries” in Sports Emergencies. Management Scenarios. M. Vioreanu, H. Mullett – Chapter Authors Churchill Livingstone. ISBN: 9780443068652

Book Chapter “ Chest Problems” in Sports Emergencies. Management Scenarios. M. Vioreanu, S. P. Gaine – Chapter Authors Churchill Livingstone. ISBN: 9780443068652

Less Invasive innominate osteotomy. Chukwunyerenwa CK, Sehgal R, Vioreanu M, Doyle F, Molony D, McCormack D. J Pediatr Orthop B. 2010 Jul;19(4):318-22.PMID: 20375913
Heelys and Street Gliders injuries; a new type of paediatric injuries M Vioreanu, E Sheehan, A Glynn, N Cassidy, M Stephens, D McCormack Pediatrics. 2007 Jun;119(6):e1294-8. PMID: 17545360
Early mobilisation in removable cast compared with immobilisation in cast after operative treatment of ankle fractures. A prospective randomised study. Vioreanu M, Dudeney S, Kelly E, Hurson B, O’Rourke K, Quinlan W. Foot Ankle Int. 2007 Jan; 28(1):13-9,

Displaced ankle fractures in the geriatric population: operative or non-operative treatment. Vioreanu M, Brophy S, Dudeney S, Kelly E, Hurson B, O’Rourke K, Quinlan W. Foot and Ankle Surg. 2007 Jan; 13(1):10-14,

HIV1 Protease Inhibitors Selectively Induce Inflammatory Chemokine Expression in Primary Human Osteoblasts. A Patricelli, M Vioreanu, P. Doran, W.G. Powderly Antiviral Res. 2007 Jan 9.
The role and structure of medical team in modern rugby M Vioreanu. Sport Med Jour, Journal of Romanian Sports Medicine Association, 6: 326-328, 2006
Vertebral fractures and concomitant fractures of the sternum. M Vioreanu, J Quinlan, I Robertson, J O’Byrne. Int Orthop. 2005 Dec; 29(6):339-42. Epub 2005 Aug 5.
Surgical Management of an Osteoporotic Spinal Fracture with Delayed Onset Paraplegia. M Vioreanu, P Connolly, D McCormack. Eur J of Orthop Surg and Traumatol, 15: 313-315.2005
Functional Outcome Following Traumatic Spondilolisthesis of the Axis. European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology
I Robertson, M Vioreanu, G O’Toole, J O’Byrne.
Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs): insights from a new familial GIST kindred with unusual genetic and pathological features
O’Riain C, Corless CL, Heinrich MC, Keegan D, Vioreanu M, Maguire D, Sheahan K. Am J Surg Pathol. 2005 Dec; 29(12):1680-3.
Traumatic transection of innominate artery. D Veerasingam, M Vioreanu , J McCarthy , O’Donoghue Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2003 Dec;2(4):569-71.


Canadian Orthopaedic Association Meeting, Montreal, Canada, June 2014. Wagner Cone Stems in Primary THA for Developmental Dysplasia and Other Deformities of the Proximal  Femur. M. Vioreanu, D.S. Garbuz, N.V. Greidanus, B.A. Masri, C.P. Duncan (Poster)
Canadian Orthopaedic Association Meeting, Montreal, Canada, June 2014. Field Testing the Unified Classification System for Periprosthetic Fractures Affecting the Pelvis in Association with Hip Replacement Arthroplasty: An International Collaboration. M. Vioreanu, F. Haddad,  C.P. Duncan (Poster)
ESSKA – APKASS Travelling Fellowship, Hong-Kong, Auckland, Melbourne & Sydney Invited Lecture, Assessment of conservatively “healed” ACL when combined with MCL injury. M. Vioreanu, L. Salmon, A. Walter, J. Roe, L. Pinczewski
Mater Orthopaedic Research Day. Sydney, Australia, November 2013. Ten year comparison of Oxidized Zirconium & Cobalt-Chrome Femoral Components in Total Knee Arthroplasty. A Randomised Controlled Trial. M. Vioreanu, L. Salmon, A. Walter, J. Roe, L. Pinczewski
Canadian Orthopaedic Association Meeting, Winnipeg, ON, Canada, June 2013 Tapered Fluted Modular Titanium Stems for the Management of Vancouver B2 and B3
Fractures after Hip Replacement M. Vioreanu, JT Munro, B. Masri, N. Greidanus, D. Garbuz, C. Duncan
Canadian Orthopaedic Association Meeting, Winnipeg, ON, Canada, June 2013 An Acetabular Liner with Focal Constraint: A Review of 82 Consecutive Cases. M. Vioreanu, JT Munro, B. Masri, N. Greidanus, D. Garbuz, C. Duncan
Annual Meeting Juan De Fuca Association, Victoria, BC, Canada, May 2013 The Wagner Cone Stem for the Challenging Femur in Hip Replacement M. Vioreanu, B. Masri, N. Greidanus, D. Garbuz, C. Duncan
Orthopaedic Research Day, UBC, Vancouver, Canada, April 2013 The Unified Classification System to Describe Fractures of the Pelvis Associated with Hip Arthroplasty. An International Evaluation. M. Vioreanu, B. Masri, N. Greidanus, D. Garbuz, C. Duncan
Grand Rounds, Orthopaedic Surgery, UBC, Vancouver, Canada, February 2013. Trunnion Disease in Hip Replacement M. Vioreanu, M. Whitehouse, D. Garbuz, C. Duncan
American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society Summer Meeting, San Diego, USA, July 2006. Displaced Ankle Fractures in the Geriatric Population: Operative or Non-operative treatment. Vioreanu M, Brophy S, Dudeney S, Kelly E, Hurson B, O’Rourke K, Quinlan W.
American Orthopaedic Association Meeting. Foot and Ankle Speciality Day, New Orleans, USA, March 2005 Early mobilisation in removable cast compared with immobilisation in cast after operative treatment of ankle fractures. A prospective randomised study. Vioreanu M, Dudeney S, Kelly E, Hurson B, O’Rourke K, Quinlan W.
Romanian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (SOROT) Meeting, Bucharest, Romania, October 2005. Early mobilisation in removable cast compared with immobilisation in cast after operative treatment of ankle fractures. A prospective randomised study. Vioreanu M, Dudeney S, Kelly E, Hurson B, O’Rourke K, Quinlan W.
Romanian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (SOROT) Meeting, Bucharest, Romania, October 2005. Displaced Ankle Fractures in the Geriatric Population: Operative or Non-operative treatment. Vioreanu M, Brophy S, Dudeney S, Kelly E, Hurson B, O’Rourke K, Quinlan W.
Romanian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (SOROT) Meeting, Bucharest, Romania, October 2005.Percutaneous Achilles Tendon Repair – A novel surgical technique. Comparison of open and modified percutaneous repair of Achilles tendon ruptures. Vioreanu M, Brophy S, Quinlan W, O’Rourke K.
British Orthopaedic Organisation (BOA) Meeting, Birmingham, UK, September 2005.Early mobilisation in removable cast compared with immobilisation in cast after operative treatment of ankle fractures. A prospective randomised study. Vioreanu M, Dudeney S, Kelly E, Hurson B, O’Rourke K, Quinlan W.
British Orthopaedic Organisation (BOA) Meeting, Birmingham, UK, September 2005.Functional Outcome Following Traumatic Spondilolisthesis of the Axis.Vioreanu M, Robertson I, Connelly P, O’Toole G, O’Byrne J.
British Trauma Society Meeting, Athens, Greece, October 2005. Early mobilisation in removable cast compared with immobilisation in cast after operative treatment of ankle fractures. A prospective randomised study. Vioreanu M, Dudeney S, Kelly E, Hurson B, O’Rourke K, Quinlan W.
British Trauma Society Meeting, Athens, Greece, October 2005.Displaced Ankle Fractures in the Geriatric Population: Operative or Non-operative treatment. Vioreanu M, Brophy S, Dudeney S, Kelly E, Hurson B, O’Rourke K, Quinlan W.

XXIII SICOT/ SIROT Triennial World Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2005 A Review of 4h column vertebral fractures M. Vioreanu, J. Quinlan, I. Robertson, J. O’Byrne

Mihai’s previous participation in sport at a high level greatly enhanced his insight in treating the injured athlete both before surgery and during the rehabilitation period.
Mihai played 32 test matches for Romania and participated in two Rugby World Cup tournaments.
He joined De La Salle Palmerston RFC in Dublin and played for five seasons while training as a surgeon.
He also had the chance to play in the Dublin Hospitals Cup competition, representing each hospital where he was working at the time.

Orthopaedic Surgeons

Ray Moran Medical Director

Owen Brady

Jonathan Bunn

Neil Burke

Ann-Maria Byrne

Stefan Byrne

Noelle Cassidy

Gary Colleary

Denis Collins

Ruth Delaney

Professor Brian M Devitt

Michael Donnelly

Niall Hogan

Andrew Hughes

Mark Jackson

Jim Kennedy

Sam Lynch

Paul Magill

Tom McCarthy

Gavin McHugh

Johnny McKenna

Ronan McKeown

Diarmuid Molony

Professor Cathal J Moran

Andrew Moriarity

Paul Moroney

Hannan Mullett

Professor Kevin Mulhall

Jacques Noel

Shea (James) O'Flanagan

Maurice O'Flaherty

Robert Piggott

Professor Joseph M Queally

Keith Synnott

Mihai Vioreanu

James Walsh

Dan Withers


Eoin Fenton

Michael Kelleher

Jabir Nagaria

Nikolay Peev

Sports & Exercise Medicine Physicians

Philip E Carolan

Ciaran Cosgrave

Matthew Cosgrave

Paul Dobbelaar

Jamie Kearns

Colm McCarthy

Dr Frank O'Leary

Maxillofacial Surgeons

Mr Padraig Ó Ceallaigh

Plastic Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgeons

Patricia Eadie

Richard Hanson

Colin Riordan

Pain Management Physicians

Philip Hu

Kathir Tamilmani


Leah Rooney

Barry J Sheane

Catherine Sullivan


Joe Coyle

Dr Oisin Flanagan

Brian Hogan

Mark Logan

Frank McGrath

Respiratory Physicians

Rosemary O'Brien


Brendan Doyle