Colin Griffin
Running Clinic / Strength & Conditioning Coach

Colin is a strength and conditioning coach at the UPMC Sports Surgery Clinic with a role that includes the rehabilitation of lower-limb injuries and the delivery running performance services.

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Colin is a strength and conditioning coach at the UPMC Sports Surgery Clinic with a role that includes the rehabilitation of lower-limb injuries and the delivery running performance services.


He completed a degree in Strength and Conditioning with Setanta College in 2015 and completed Masters Degree in Coaching and Exercise Science in University College Dublin in 2016. He is an IAAF Level 4 certified endurance coach, coach eduaction tutor with Athletics Ireland and an accredited professional member of the Sport Ireland Institute in High Performance Sport Strength and Conditioning.


He has over 15 years experience in high performance sport having represented Ireland at the 2008 and 2012 Olympic Games in the 50km walk as well as a number of top 12 perofrmances at world and european level. He has also coached other Irish athletes to Olympic level.


In 2011 he founded The Altitude Centre Ireland and pioneered the development of Irelands first residential altitude training centre at the University of Limerick.


His main areas of interest include the rehabilitation of tendinopathies and muscle overload injuries, biomechanics, physiology and athletic development.


Colin is undertaking a PhD on the biomechanics of muscle-tendon interaction at the achilles during exercise, working under JB Morin at the University of Côte d’Azur and in collaboration with SSC Sports Medicine.

Graduate of the University of Limerick (2005) with degree in Public Administration specialising in Management
Diploma in Physical Fitness & Conditioning for Sport, Setanta College (2012)
Currently completing a degree in Strength & Conditioning with Setanta College (expected graduation 2015)
Athletics Ireland Level 3 coach (IAAF Level 4).
Irish Amateur Weight-lifting Association Level 1 coach
REPS Level 2 certificate in Altitude and Hypoxic Training
7th in 1999 IAAF World Youth Championships
9th in 2001 European Junior Championships
Irish record in 50km walk set in 2007 (3.51.32)
Represented Ireland at 2008 and 2012 Olympic Games
11th in 50km walk at 2010 European Championships
15th in 50km walk at 2012 IAAF World Race Walking Cup

Coach to Laura Reynolds who finished 20th in 20km walk at 2012 Olympic Games, and 6th place at 2013 World University Games

Orthopaedic Surgeons

Ray Moran Medical Director

Owen Brady

Jonathan Bunn

Neil Burke

Ann-Maria Byrne

Stefan Byrne

Noelle Cassidy

Gary Colleary

Denis Collins

Ruth Delaney

Professor Brian M Devitt

Michael Donnelly

Niall Hogan

Andrew Hughes

Mark Jackson

Jim Kennedy

Sam Lynch

Paul Magill

Tom McCarthy

Gavin McHugh

Johnny McKenna

Ronan McKeown

Diarmuid Molony

Professor Cathal J Moran

Andrew Moriarity

Paul Moroney

Hannan Mullett

Professor Kevin Mulhall

Jacques Noel

Shea (James) O'Flanagan

Maurice O'Flaherty

Robert Piggott

Professor Joseph M Queally

Keith Synnott

Mihai Vioreanu

James Walsh

Dan Withers


Eoin Fenton

Michael Kelleher

Jabir Nagaria

Nikolay Peev

Sports & Exercise Medicine Physicians

Philip E Carolan

Ciaran Cosgrave

Matthew Cosgrave

Paul Dobbelaar

Ronan Kearney

Jamie Kearns

Colm McCarthy

Dr Frank O'Leary

Maxillofacial Surgeons

Mr Padraig Ó Ceallaigh

Plastic Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgeons

Patricia Eadie

Richard Hanson

Colin Riordan

Pain Management Physicians

Philip Hu

Kathir Tamilmani


Leah Rooney

Barry J Sheane

Catherine Sullivan


Joe Coyle

Dr Oisin Flanagan

Brian Hogan

Mark Logan

Frank McGrath

Respiratory Physicians

Rosemary O'Brien


Brendan Doyle