Sacroiliac Joint Pain is a pain in the sacroiliac joint, also called the SI joint, can sometimes cause lower back and/or leg pain.
- Low back pain is present in 56% of amateur and 24% of professional golf players.
- Over 6 million golfers over 50 years old play over 60% of the rounds of golf in the US.
- 46% of low back pain is related to the golf swing.
- 41% of golf injuries occur in the follow-through.
- The golf swing produces both rational shear forces and compression forces of discs in the lumbar spine.
- This compression can lead to mechanical compression of the lumbar/sacral nerves if the posterior chain musculature is not strong enough.
- SIJ pain can be referred from nerve root impingement of the lumbar nerves because of disc compression.
- The Sacroiliac Joint is in the pelvis at the base of the spine and is bound by some of the strongest ligaments in the body
- There are only 2 degrees of rotation, 3mm of motion in the SI Joint in weight-bearing and this cannot be palpated accurately by human touch.
- The SIJ does not pop in/out. No bones in the spine or pelvis can be manipulated back into place.
- Hip mobility plays just as important a part as the back in the golf swing.
UPMC Sports Surgery Clinic runs an innovative back pain management programme for Golfers. For more information call 01 5262030 or email |